This is Santorini from the 2014 Cruise Collection that came out this summer. I had seen pics of it on blogs and heard some of my favorite YT girls rave about it so I definitely needed to try it. It's a gorgeous pale cornflower blue with a pearly silver shimmer floating on top. Very beautiful, but unfortunately I wasn't impressed with the formula at all. It was streaky, gloopy, thick and didn't self-level. I had to work to get this to look nice, and I only think it turned out well (finally) due to my choice of top coat.
This is seriously my third attempt at getting a good manicure with it and that is going above and beyond what I will usually tolerate. I haven't heard complaints from anyone else with this formula though, so it makes me wonder if it was just a bad bottle or if maybe someone opened it in the store and "compromised" the formula, which can happen in public stores when products are not individually wrapped. This is four coats with top coat.
JulieG nail color is sold only at Rite Aid stores and online at the Jesse's Girl website for around $4. I don't live near a Rite Aid right now but my sister does and when we last saw each other she was kind enough to pick this up for me. Hopefully the next JulieG polish I try will work out better for me. Have you ever tried this brand? What do you think? Talk to you soon!