First is Beach Please which is a fabulous name and a fabulous polish. This baby is as close as you can possibly get to a neon without quite being one. It's a stunning vibrant pink crème with a purple undertone. Absolutely perfect formula, opaque in two coats.
This is Hexy Bikini. If you only own one KBShimmer polish in your life, this should be it. And that's saying something because KBShimmer polishes rock. It's a textured silver glitter with holo, teal and dark pink bits. Really easy to use for a texture, this is two coats without top coat. You can put top coat on to make it smooth but I prefer it as a texture. This is seriously CRAZY blingy and you need it.
And to round out the trio here is Shore Thing, an aqua mint bluish green shade that just POPS off the nail and slaps you in the face! Another almost almost neon crème with a great formula. I used two coats. Dries just slightly matte so use a top coat.
You can purchase these from the KBShimmer website or on Harlow & Co. The crèmes are $7.50 each and the glitter is $8.75, or if you buy all three together you can save some bucks and get them for $21 (as of right now, price may be subject to change). So do these polishes just scream SUMMER to you or what? Tell me what you think about them in the comments. I want to go lay on the beach now please, we'll see ya later!

Product samples were provided for consideration.