First is Coral Cabana, a gorgeous neon mod pinky coral that I love! This is three coats with topcoat. Yummy and delicious! I can see myself wearing this all summer long.
Summer Pink is the perfect name for this neon blue-toned pink. I have a ton of bright pinks, but this is a special one. It's not so neon that it dries totally matte, but neon enough to be brilliantly loud. This is three coats with topcoat.
Very Violet is a gorgeous purple neon lacquer that I liked at first but I loved after I applied it. Almost magenta, it's really in your face and demure at the same time! This is three coats with topcoat.
Pixi products are available online at and as well as in Target stores for $8.00 each. One thing I've got to mention is the cap on these bottles, it's a matte ceramic that is easy to grip and doesn't leave fingerprints, yay! The bottle shape in general is one I'm a fan of, easy to store and take on the go. Have you tried any Pixi lacquers yet?

Products provided for review.