The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

occ blackboard

obsessive compulsive cosmetics is a total pigment explosion! i'm telling you, if you're looking for color, go look at the occ website, and you'll find it! this company has made their name famous by creating pro-quality makeup and for having amazing and innovative products, like their lipstick/gloss hybrid "lip tar". these folks know how to do makeup, but do they know how to do polish? i didn't doubt them really, but of course i had to find out :)

i've seen a few swatches of a couple colors on other sites and there was one varnish color that i knew i HAD to have. occ blackboard is the EXACT color of a classroom chalkboard, deep dark satiny green! la la loveeeee :)

this is three coats. the formula was slightly watery but opaque enough. the problem i ran into with this polish was that i found the brush to be a bit awkwardly shaped. the hair seems to be thinner at the top than at the bottom, in almost a bell shape (think like a fat blush brush). this made my application of the polish feel clumsy and bunglesome. other than that though, i'm loving this polish!
ooohhh lemming = fulfilled!  these are $8 at  has anyone tried any of their polishes before?


this product was sent to me for an honest review. please see disclosure statement for more information.
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